Sorry for the late response - RPI decided to do work on their mail server on
Thursday and I couldn't read my email until today...
The plan is hopefully late next summer/early fall. Which means realistically
maybe 2003! ;-)
If I can get the welding done by mid-fall I can get the shell into the body
shop for painting. After that it's removing all the rusted-on bits from the old
car and claning what's useable and replacing what's not, then putting it all on
the new shell. Quite a tal order when the house needs attention, etc. etc.
Chris King -
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From PilotRob at (Robert E. Shlafer)
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 09:13:21 -0400 (EDT)
>I guess 2,000 feet will be a humungously
>grand day out!! :)
>When do you figure you'll get it back on
>the road, Mr. K?
Sent via the WebMail system at