Ron: I just went throught the hell of bleeding the Mini's brakes and couldn't
for the life of me get the rears to bleed properly until we realized that there
is a proportioning valve for the rears that we had to trick by: on the way down
with the pedal (bleeder open), let up quickly (but not all the way up!), then
continue down. This forced a lot of air out, which surprised me. I don't know
if Meejits have prop. valves, but I hope this helps.
Geoff Branch
'74 Meejit "Yellow Peril"
'72 Innocenti 1300 Mini
----- Original Message -----
From "Ron Soave" <soavero at>
To: "Brad Fornal" <>; "Guy Weller"
Cc: "Vrba, Dave" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: Electric Fan
> --- Brad Fornal <> wrote:
> > Don't get me wrong, I miss Frank alot myself. But
> > Senior Soave is our list tech
> > on the radiators. Ron, what say
> > thee....................??
> I say I can't get the damn air out of the brakes on my
> new Midget.
> The way the "ducting" is on our cars, there will
> definitely be better flow behind the rad (make any
> sort of a decent shroud you can). For the techminded,
> behind the rad the flow through the fins will be more
> laminar, with a lower pressure drop. For a control
> for the electric fan it obviously needs to be a
> thermal switch - if you have a downflow rad and a 1275
> head you'd have 2 tapoffs for temperature.
> Back to my brake fluid woes...
> =====
> Ron Soave