They will fit, but the parking lamp holes won't be right, nor will the holes
for the bumper mounts. They can be made to work a lot easier that doing the
same thing on a Spridget
On 9/3/01 12:58 PM, "Kent J. Miller" <> wrote:
> Anybody know if a fender from a chrome bumper MGB will fit a RB model? What's
> involved if it isn't a straight-up swap?
> TIA,
> Kent
Larry Macy
78 Midget
Keep your top down and your chin up.
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a question
and you're a fool for the rest of your life.