In a message dated 9/1/01 9:54:58 PM Central Daylight Time,
> Oh, that idiot who spend hundreds (thousands?) of
> bucks every race on food, drink, tents, music, tee
> shirts for the kids, and "miscellany" while trying to
> attend to his own race car? The moron who's
> hospitality and generosity (not to mention kick-ass
> driving) got several of my friends who will never own
> a British car in their lives to attend every regional
> event and support the VSCDA? The guy who has me
> peering into to barns and backshops everywhere to find
> a decent car so I can have him instruct me next spring
> at Blackhawk? The guy who always takes the time to
> "high five" my kids, even when he's on the starting
> grid with low oil pressure? The one who cordially
> invited (and re-invited) my brother whom he'd never
> met to sit in with his band and play guitar?
> Yeah, better I didn't waste time with a jerk like
> that.
Yeah, that's the insufferable SOB. Missed you at Meatfest. Much meat was
consumed, all beverages within quaffing range were properly quaffed, and all
vehicles flogged. And I for one did not know it's legal to drive a race car
on the street in Wisconsin. We gotta talk to our Illinois legislators....