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Re: was ED... now Swift Justice

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: was ED... now Swift Justice
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 18:13:14 EDT
In a message dated 8/26/01 11:49:51 AM, DLancer7676@cs.com writes:

<< Thet shore mite be tru, Stev.  Bit ya knoe thet air'uns Ainglush is'nt gud 
undrstandabl.  If'n ya kom down hyr sumtym bring alung yur translashun buk n 
plez bring me sum shus too plez.  Tarred o' goin' barefutted.
Steve:  You put your foot in it big time, I think.  Even the college educated 
Smoky Mountain men are refusing to write English to you, and you know what 
that means.  Maybe you better even get out your Kevlar shorts if you're 
thinking of taking those shoes down to David.  Those rednecks stick together 
you know, and there are a lot of them with LBC's down there, including a guy 
who has an honest to God private museum in a shed with dobermans, alarms and 
everything.  And everybody knows the lovely Amy's  husband is a B I G man.  
Trust me on this one--apologize. 

1960 Bugeye (Mk. IV in disguise)
1966 Sprite Mk. III (Still in Boxes)

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