On Saturday 25 August 2001 01:10 pm, Larry & Sandi Miller wrote:
> >I have never dealt with such a trusting supplier. Can you >imagine asking
> any of the big three to send you the parts, let >you inspect them, and pay
> for them later?? I would really like >to meet him as well"
> George Merryweather gmerry1@airmail.net All of the above plus free
> shipping.
George is a great guy and I've bought much from him. One recent change
though. Take a look at his recently revamped web site at
http://www.classicr.com and you'll find that he no longer has free standard
shipping for all orders - just orders over $500.00. Also his discount scale
has changed, from 15% on all orders to 5%, 10%, or 15% depending on amount -
the breakpoints are at $100 and $500. He also notes that if you spend over
$1000 total in a year, he'll rebate an amount equal to the highest discount
Too bad, but I'm not surprised. Poor guy was probably losing his shirt
before. I still heartily recommend him and the other suppliers I've used-
Jeff Zorn of Little British Car Company (http://www.lbcarco.com and Dick
Burger of the British Parts Connection (http://www.thebpc.com). I like to
plug the guys who have given me good service. Not trying to slight Ed, Peter
C., or Paul A. - I just haven't bought from them yet, but would not hesitate
to do so.
A tip-o-the-hat to them all!
1971 Midget