Hey Paul (hope you get this message).... I'm going to "loan" you my son, Dustin.
He's moving up your direction next month.
Like the rest of you with grown kids, they are always your kids. And I'm sure
they get older and not me!!!
"Paul A. Asgeirsson" wrote:
> Hear, Hear, RH. Miss them when they leave again, but always happy to have
> show up and be able to help them out. Father of 2 chosen sons and 2 natural
> sons, all by choice. Now with 6 grand daughters! (They really are different
> boys!)
> Paul A
> RBHouston@aol.com wrote:
> > In a message dated 6/28/01 9:29:24 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
> > boxweed@thebest.net writes:
> >
> > > You're joking, right?.....If not, does he need his diapers changed, too?
> > >
> > > Bob
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Bob,
> >
> > Obviously you don't have any grown children. They are still your children.
> > My oldest will be 40 this year and makes nearly as much annually as I do,
> > we still take the time to help her whenever she has a problem.
> >
> > I laugh out loud when I hear people with small children say " I can't wait
> > until they move out..."
> >
> > HA! ..they come back!!!!!!!!
> >
> > and come back and come back...and you welcome them each time, and are glad
> > each time they leave, and miss them every time too.
> >
> > Robert Houston...a dad by choice, not accident. They will always be my
> > children...
> >
> > ..You really only need two tools. WD40 and Duct tape. Things that are
> > supposed to move and don't get WD40 and things that are not supposed to move
> > and do get Duct tape....