Thanks to all who helped with the twin SU dilemna.
aka: Yah sure I got more power from the dual SUs but the
car never ran as well as with the ZS.
I gave it a straightforward complete tuneup today, and
it seems to run pretty smoothly now.
I did notice while setting it up that the back carb
was a little reluctant to come completely off without
a good push on the bottom of the jet.
I suspect that was my problem all along. Either the choke
was partially stuck on, or even worse, it was stuck
partially on last time I tuned it and I tried to
compensate and it was just plain way way off.
Perhaps I should have saw this, but it was subtle. I
had an MGB a few years ago that the choke stuck a lot
but it always had the courtesy to stick FULLY on so
it was pretty obvious. ;>
Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933
"It seems like they have names for everything nowadays!" - Ajax