In a message dated 6/21/01 5:35:29 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
> Part has two chrome tips and is painted
> in a black semi-gloss style of the period.
> Anbody having information on this unit
> should contact
> Reward will be ride in new Boeing 777
> to UK (Healey-land) and back with tour of
> cockpit and personal introduction to flight
> attendant who coincidentally, will be laying over in UK as well, for 5
> days (and
> 4 nights). She needs a place to stay, though.
> Tripod Bob,
> '61 Frog
Hell, with an offer like that, send the specs and I'll have one made up!
..You really only need two tools. WD40 and Duct tape. Things that are
supposed to move and don't get WD40 and things that are not supposed to move
and do get Duct tape....