Don't shoot the messenger ..... Peter C (fromthe TR list)
>From: "Tom Beaver" <>
>To: "triumphlist" <>
>Cc: "Heatcote" <>
>Subject: AH Bug Eye and Chevy II Wagon for sale
>Anyone interested in or know anyone that might, please contact Mr.
>Heathcote. The cars are located in Logansport, Indiana. His address is at the
>bottom. NFI. Thanks.
>Tom Beaver
>1959 Austin Healey Sprite (Bugeye), 1275 engine & gearbox, Primrose
>Yellow (original color). Totally restored, body dipped, new floor,
>receipts for over $16,000, beautiful condition. Comes with orignal 948
>engine & gearbox (both rebuilt), Datsun 210 gearbox & adapter plate (for
>conversion to 5 spd). Many extra parts, literature, workbooks, BMIHT
>build certificate, etc... Everything Bugeye that I have will go with it
>for $13,000.
>Also selling a '64 Chevy II Nova
>station wagon, 2nd owner, 75,000 miles.
>Frank Heathcote, 978 Sherman St., Logansport, IN, 219-722-3612,