OK Youse Guys...
We are virtually race ready...( I can't f'n believe it
either...) for this weekend's Blackhawk Vintage
Classic at Blackhawk Farms in Rockton, IL, a VSCDA
event. More event specific info can be found at
Now, pertaining to Thickos. Thicko Village, and the
Thicktones performance...
I will ask Bill "Slowhand, I don't play no freakin'
chords" Dalton, Paul "Otis Campbell" Fitzsimmons, and
Danny "the Jeweler" Nuehaus to guess at an appropriate
space for Thicko Village, then triple your estimate,
and rope it off near the tech barn. Please remember to
specifically mark off a spot for Elmo and I near the
barn's AC power so we can co-mngle out trailers and
canopies for our best "party effort".
Speaking of party effort, I trust (mistake?) Elmo will
get off his ass, set aside the latest cheatin' dog
motor building efforts, and put out a call to all
folks, organizing our food. It's my understanding the
FOT (Triumph) guys are pitting with us as well, and I
think according to Irv the Perv (I the P), they're
bringing beverage.
We'll need some good (read not shit) meat... pork
roasts, turkeys, fresh (not frozen) ground beef,
steaks, London Broils, etc. You bring it, we'll cook
it. I'll be bringing my large grille, but we can
always find room for more grille space... so if you
can get one in your rig, bring it.
If you remember last year, many folks went over, got a
little bit of the event's food on their plate, and
ditched the pavillion for the freindly confines of
THicko Village. I promise the THickTones will not play
a polka... but I can guarantee we'll take a stab at
"Plastic jesus". Incidentally, while we did not
practise this winter... (why break with tradition?) I
did buy a new power amp with twice the power... so we
won't be better, but we will be louder. ;)
Also, we have invited that great dude that played sax
with us last year, as well as the inbred Soave
brothers have promised to bring their axes.
Damn, I can't wait.