Thanks for all the quick responses. I think I am really gonna enjoy this
board. =) Several of you have asked where I am located. Sorry I forgot
to put that in the last post. I am located in Ventura, Ca (about 30
miles south of Santa Barbara). I am not a mechanic and I know very
little about cars. But I am learning. I can do most swaps (one part for
another) but on everything else I am learning as I do it and making a
lot of mistakes as I go. Hehe. I am starting my search for the Terry
Horler book now (thanks for the advice) and I will be ordering the
Bentley manual too. I have the Haynes manual already but have found
either several mistakes or my LBC is not set up quite right (or I may
just not understand all of it). As for M*SS motors, I have gone up to
Santa Barbara a couple of times to m*ss and tried to get some info but
the people in the office didnt seem to know any more than I did. (And
that is not much). I have several of the m*ss catalogs but the pics they
use dont match anything I already have so I didnt know just how much to
trust them. Thanks to all that responded.
New question. (sorry I'm full of them). I ran into a site on the web
selling a kit to convert the spridget 4 spd transmission to a Datsun 5
spd. Sounds very good on paper but what I want to know is....Have any of
you done this? Does it work? What do you think of it? In case any of
you dont know what I am talking about or want to know what I found. Here
is the web address
Thanks again to all.
Mark Perry
Ventura, Ca
69' Sprite (in progress)
89' Jimmy