Greg -
1) With the sump off, look in the sludge for 'half-circle'-shaped
pieces. The crankshaft end-play spacers have been known to fall out when
very worn. Replacement is by the book (Haynes or other). 2) A loose
flywheel could be the problem, but this is rare except right after a
(sloppy) rebuild. Try levering the flywheel with a screwdriver (pan off)
with the clutch disengaged. 3) A failing vibration damper could be at
fault. Examine visually, see if rim moves relative to center piece. Did
you check the big ends for side play? It's also possible to check the
small end bushings, at least for gross slop, by pushing on one rod cap bolt
then the other.
The stethoscope will localize the problem to the engine or not but I don't
recommend trying this at 30 mph on the road.
Is there any indication of irregularity seen on the plugs? A "bad hole"
will show up there.
Good luck,
Clay L.
'67 Sprite
At 04:49 PM 5/26/01 -0400, wrote:
>I was recently driving home last week and I accquired this evil knock from
>the engine. I have since removed the oil pan and valve cover checkin what I
>could for loosness and clearing. Everything seems intact and no visual
>problems. Yet when under a load the knock appears. Anything over 30 and
>you can hear it very prominently. I am hoping I wont have to remove the
>engine again but its looking that way. Any suggestions or remarks to what
>it may be that I should check befor I really start to take things apart would
>be greatly appreciated.
> Greg Brown
> 1967 Square Body
> Midwest Region