I'm borrowing (and possibly purchasing) a GMC dumptruck (the small one with
the pickup front) from my mother's ex-boss. It was the delivery truck for
his lumber yard, which recently went out of business.
He has one problem with it. On hills, the truck cannot go faster than 35
mph. If you press further on the gas, it stutters and surges (he described
it as "bucking"), but will not go faster. If you ease up on the throttle,
it smoothes down and runs nice at 35mph.
The engine has no blow-by, nor is it consuming any oil. My thoughts without
looking at it are:
1) Compression - I would expect oil consumption if this were the case.
2) Carburation - it was recently rebuilt. No idea on the quality of the
3) Fuel delivery
The easiest to check and most likely, I think, is fuel delivery. Possibly a
clogged filter. But the truck runs OK on level ground. No power issues at
all, even with a load.
Any thoughts on the matter. I need the truck next week to move my fiance
from her apartment in manhattan. And I only have Sunday after Norristown
(yes, I'm going) to work on it. As the business is closed, I may even
purchase it, if I can get it runnning right. It would be great as a parts
hauler. Big wide bed with sides, and dump (lifting deck) capability.
If any locals want to take a look with me after Norristown, the truck's in
Colonia NJ.
'78 Midget (not good for moving furniture, unless it's from a doll house)
Michael Graziano
Credit Suisse First Boston international
Equity Derivatives Product Control
212-325-8646 Phone
212-325-8100 Fax
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)