Larry Cogan wrote:
> Wow Toby, you must have iron b***s! I've got an F 250, 4x4 that I use
> to move a yard tractor. I use a cool set of aluminium ramps to load
> and I gotta tell you when I'm bout 3/4 of the way up I'm scared
> whitless. Can't even imagine doing it in an LBC. If I'm that high up
> in the air, in a machine, I want it to have rotor blades, a cyclic
> stick and collective pitch so I can get outta there when things begin
> to go south.
I drove a 69 Sprite up a pair of 2 x 10s into the back of a dump truck
I also had to back it back out of the same truck when I got it home.
This will teach you to make sure those steering column to pinion bolts
are always tight. Thus the reason to call a friend with a truck, I
thought he would tow me home, not load me in the dump body.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
Just Enough Sprites Again