If your son would rather drive an '89 Cavalier than be seen in the more
unusual '76 Midget, he's not in the "rebellion" stage, he's in the
"conformist" stage, which is much worse, because it means he has no
self-esteem and will probably "follow the crowd" the rest of his life. It's
time to write him off and start concentrating on your daughter, who seems to
have a lot more "on the ball".
>I understand what you are saying Frank but you need to remember that last
>year I bought a 76 Midget for my son to learn to drive. He gave me a ration
>of $&*! one warm March day when I picked him up from school with the top
>down. He was embarrassed to be seen in such a car! He will be driving a
>Chevy Cavalier if he passes his test today.
>We don't own anything remotely close to the 30K range and he still will not
>be driving our newer cars... Until he develops a love for the LBCs he ain't
>driving mine. I have tried to get him interested but he is all into that
>rebellion phase right now. Shame on him.