Guys, my kids are still years away from driving, but
I'm gonna do what a buddy of mine did - he sent his
daughter to Skip Barber car control school the weekend
after she got her license. If I didn't see it with my
own eyes, I wouldn't even repeat this, but I saw her
beat a Mustang GT in a slalom with an AMC station
wagon (if you don't think driving skill means a lot
more than horsepower, you never saw Flounder toss the
Red Rat Bastard Sprite around the track). She has
never had an accident or a ticket in 6 years, and
claims she doesn't speed excessively because she
learned to respect what a car can and can't do in
driving school. My buddy figures he made up the
school price in speeding tickets, insurance increases
and body work that never happened.
--- "Kent J. Miller" <> wrote:
> My son is scheduled to take his exam tomorrow. He is
> already wanting to
> drive to school, work, etc. I told him that he won't
> be able to drive by
> himself until I get the insurance squared away. He
> complained because I
> haven't gotten it lined up yet. I explained that I
> wasn't going to pay for
> his insurance until he had his license. If he fails
> the test tomorrow, he
> has to wait a week or two before he can retake the
> test.
> Since my wife and I are paying for the 1st six
> months of insurance (we did
> that for his sister two years ago), I don't want to
> waste a penny. I figure
> that it will cost about $600 for 6 months and why
> throw any of it away?
> His lesson is starting. I told him that his attitude
> has a LOT to do with
> how much driving he does. Kinda like doing the
> dishes when he is told, not
> when he feels like it, etc. I explained the old
> "what goes around, comes
> around" saying to him. I told him it just came
> around, TO ME!!!
> I bought the car for him to use but it is MY car. He
> has to carry the
> insurance after the first go-around and pay the
> incidentals such as license
> tags, pollution test, repairs, oil changes etc. I
> think the water pump is
> going out, HAH! He'll learn. Life is a bowl of
> cherries until you break a
> tooth on a pit.
> AND, NO, NO, NO, he doesn't get to drive the
> Bugeye!!! I've had that car
> longer than I've had him. He will not have a chance
> to mess it up while I
> can still walk and talk. Maybe after I've been in
> the ground for a while. He
> can find his own LBC. I'll help him with it but he
> AIN'T gonna reap the
> rewards of my time, money and sweat until he shows
> an appreciation of the
> cars first... For years now he has called it an old
> piece of junk. He thinks
> Honda Civics are cool. How wierd is that?
> Kent
> 1960 Bugeye
Ron Soave
"Driver Carries No Cash"
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