Saw this on the mgs list, look out Keith.
Eric wrote:
> Yes, it is F1 weekend in Australia so we are all thinking SPEED!
> Here is a challenge to the MG world (how is that land-speed record
> going, guys)?
> Here is a photo from out local paper, titled "Gail Phillips and her
> modified Austin Healey Sprite. She hopes to clock 322km/h at Lake
> Gairdner"
> "The Californian is in South Australia with her specially modified
> Austin Healey Sprite aiming to become the first woman to officially
> clock 200mph (322km/h) over the mile in Australia"
> Based on a 1959 Bugey, it is powered by Chevy V8 that generates about
> 500 horsepower. Gail is one of only 8 woman inducted into the
> 'Bonneville 200 Club' after her 2-way average over the mile of
> 202.098mp/h on the Bonneville salt flats in the US.
> She reckons she may be able to pass 210mph in this attempt!
> And here is the picture from the 'paper:
> I'm not looking for 300km/h out of *my* new engine, but I commenced the
> installation process this weekend and I can tell you that I am starting
> to get a little bit excited.
> Now, back to the television... and more racing!
> Eric
> '68MGB MkII
> Adelaide, South Australia