In a message dated 3/3/01 1:10:23 PM, writes:
<<Can anyone in the Southern California areas (preferably Orange or San Diego
Co.) recommend a garage that has experience with wire wheels - checking
condition & tuning spokes?>>
Go to:
<<Also, have noted that all w/w rear/front extensions are marked either RH
LH (yes, 2 of each). Does this mean Right Hand side and Left Hand side
installation? I have picked up a spare w/w rear halfshaft which is RH - so do
I need to carry a 2nd spare for the LH side? Any clarification would be
RH hubs go on the right side of the car as seen from the driver's seat, LH go
on the left. The hubs are threaded so they will not "UNDO" while the car is
in forward motion.
Wire wheel axle shafts are stronger than the disc wheel ones. Unless you're
making big power, you probably don't need to drag around a spare shaft all
the time, but if that's what you want to do, you'll need a LH and an RH.