I will retreat slightly from my originally posted opinion and say that
I agree that there is benefit to listers from some of the off-topic
discussions. This would include travel and trip advice, help with
another type of car, etc.
But the type of chat room exchanges like the one started below don't
benefit the list AT ALL.
Six or ten people will criticise me for this and that will prove my point.
A handful of subscribers are the only ones interested in this chatter.
To put it nicely, it would be more appropriate if the handful of you
just emailed each other privately like most people do with jokes and such.
I have been at cars shows and heard negative comments about the Spridget
list mostly along the lines that its a waste of time and subscribers use it
mostly to chat about things unrelated to Spridgets. With comments like that
going around, many people don't even subscribe.
If you don't like those last comments, don't get mad at me, I didn't
say it, it's what I heard. This would be a better list if it had a
better reputation. Instead a few spoil it for the majority.
Fred Criswell
> chuck
> still the world's largest sprite driver.
> this should stirr up some creative waste of band width to help out .
After some e-mail with Chuck, I have decided I'm the second largest
Spridgeteer, but believe me, there's LOTS of room between first and second
place! Right, Chuck?
Maybe we should change this thread to "waisting" band width? ;-)
Chris Eck*
[This message delayed, as it needed manual intervention by the list
administrator. mjb.]