Hi Greg,
That's a lot of money for a gallon, Sorta makes you want to take the bus
instead of driving.
Here in Oregon, the gas is down to $1.339. This is down almost 60 cent
from less than a year ago. Certainly the oil companies manipulate fuel
availability and consequently prices in diferent areas. They will quiet
areas of discontent from time to time by lowering prices in zones.
Paul A
FROM: "Greg Higgins", INTERNET:higgs at cgocable.net
TO: "Paul A. Asgeirsson", PAsgeirsson
CC: Spridgets, INTERNET:spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
DATE: 1/22/01 9:21 PM
Re: Re: Fw: Lower gasoline prices
The price for regular gas in my town in Burlington Ontario is $3.31, high
test is $3.50. You guys have a ways to catch up price wise. People here
complain about the high price of gas but nothing happens.
Now when the local cable company says they are going to up the cable rates
by 25 cents, and add some channels you will never watch people go nuts and
something does get done.
My 2 cents
Greg Higgins
----- Original Message -----
From Paul A. Asgeirsson <PAsgeirsson at compuserve.com>
To: Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Lower gasoline prices
> Re: Re: Fw: Lower gasoline prices
> In a message dated 1/22/2001 5:07:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> RBHouston@aol.com writes:
> << Buy from the cheapest, drive on, and influence what you can, like your
> kids...HA! >>
> Mmmmm, Just drove through Wyoming on New Years day in my LBC, and the
> of unleaded regular was, $1.199. Just seems like a long way to go for a
> cheap tank of gas. <LOL>
> I did get there just in time for the annual Wyoming wind festival though,
> January 1st through December 31st!!!!
> Paul A
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From "Greg Higgins" <higgs at cgocable.net>
To: "Paul A. Asgeirsson" <PAsgeirsson@compuserve.com>
Cc: <spridgets@Autox.Team.Net>
References: <200101221821_MC2-C2B3-1FBE@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: Fw: Lower gasoline prices
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 21:32:54 -0500