Well Hey Guys ... I rejoined the list for a bit to do two things... first
update you on my progress and secondly to ask a Favor....( I know... I
know... what can I say...)
Anyway I have been racing the Camaro rather successfully this last year....
the following are updated speeds and accomplishments... I am trying not to
Brag about a car most of you don't have an interest in... but's it's been a
Great Year and I am Honestly into Healey's as you will see in the next
Basically we started out the year with a 183mph Pass at Maxton in North
Carolina... and then Hosted Will Handzel from Hot Rod Magazine and he wrote
a great article in the September issue on both the East Coast Timing
association and my poor ole Camaro got 3 pages of it's own... then we went
out to California and raced at the Muroc Reunion in Jun.... the record out
there was 171... and I got Lucky with a 205mph Pass and Joined the Muroc Two
Club.... Brought the car back home and took my Buddy up to Maxton and he
went 200.445mph and joined me in the ECTA Two Club.... Went out to
Bonneville and speedweek.... went 218 mph on a 230 record... but I learned
so much I came home and rebuilt the Motor and went back in Sept.... went
228mph on the same record and was actually over the record when one of the
heads gave up....
To finish off the season we brought Will Handzel back to Maxton and he Took
our 298cubic inch motor on Nitrous and ran a 200 Flat to join us in the ECTA
Two Club... this also allowed us to cinch the ECTA points Championship...
Getting all of this done has made it a wonderful year... my problem is that
it's still a CAMARO and NOT a Healey.... so I had a copy made of Doug Odom's
Front end made and now we are looking for a Back end of the Car.... In my
next E-mail you can read a bit about what I am looking for....
Thanks so much for your time and reading a NON Healey related E-mail....
Keith Turk ( ECTA 200mph Club, Muroc 200mph Club.... and Damn Near a
Bonneville Two club member... shame Almost don't count!!!)