Patricia, I wouldn't discount the possibility Vonnegut made up the Frascati
name. After all, an author who creates protagonists named Kilgore Trout and
Wayne Hoobler would appear to be capable of dreaming up automotive appellations
to suit the story.
Jim Hurd
'75 Midget
Patricia Sauthoff wrote:
> Ok my little car buffs, maybe one of you can help me out with this. I was
> reading a short story by Kurt Vonnegut that was published in 1954 and both
> MG's and a car called a Marittima-Frascati are mentioned. I've got a few
> questions about this. 1. What kind of MG might he be talking about? A TD
> perhaps? It can't be an A (IMHO) because it was described as boxy, and I
> can't imagine anyone describing an A that way. That leads to question 2.
> When did the A's go into production? And 3. What on earth is a
> Marittima-Frascati? All the Internet has provided so far is a list of
> Italian travel sites. In the story he talks about Avignon, so it seems
> strange that he would make up this one car. Also in the story there are
> only about 12 of them in the US, which, as far as I know, was rather common
> at the time.
> If anyone could provide any insight into this I would be extremely grateful,
> and will be amazed by your extensive knowledge.
> Thanks all
> Patricia
> '59 Bugeye