Several years ago I had problems with flooding in my AH Hundred.
Without taking time to investigate I ordered and installed Grose
Jets - same problem. A little effort and serious observation and I
discovered that the float arm was bent in a way that it did not fully
press the Grose Jet or the needle valve to the orfice to shut the fuel
off. Re-bent the arm to press the needle fully home and inline with
the needle housing - no problem since.
Ed A
-----Original Message-----
From DLancer7676 at <>
To: <>;
Cc: <>
Date: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: "On the road again ..."
>In a message dated 11/7/2000 8:30:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
><< If your ball came out of the Grose Jet, you may have
> mixture problems as the bowls may be allowed to fill too high with
> fuel. This may be one of many problems! >>
>That is what I was thinking. If the carb was fitted with a Grose Jet
and the
>check ball fell out, which is about the only place I know of the ball
>come from, you would have an open gush of gasoline from that side, as
>Grose Jet is supposed to shut it off when the float reaches it's
>level. Constant flooding. Very likely is the, or one of the,
problems. I
>would replace both sides with new needle valves.
>--David C.