With the Morris taking up time, garage space and $$, the bugeye will have
to wait until next year for the paint job. Hence, I plan to drive it every
day this winter that rain is not forcast.
One of the joys of living in this part of California is relatively mild
winters. Only 1/2" of snow every ten years.
Except for rain days and the one week working on the 5-speed conversion,
I've driven it every day since December when I got it licensed. The down
side is that this is killing my bicycle saddle time. When Sunday rolls
around, I would be hopping on the road bike for a 100 mile ride. Since the
bugeye came to life, I'm much more likely to go for a 100 mile drive. So
I'm getting out of shape, but I'm developing a HUGE set of smile lines on my
face while my quads shrink.
Glen Byrns
'59 bugeye
'59 Morris Traveller (Winifred)