RBHouston@aol.com wrote:
> This would be especially true if you were supplying a kit that anyone could
> install, because as poorly as they could possibly do the work, if a failure
> occurs, partiularly one with a severe injury resulting, you are on the hook
> to the lawyers. No offense to the attorneys on the list, but just protecting
> yourself from blood suc....er, unscrupulous barristers and idiots scu...er
> citizens that think they have won the lottery has become a major concern to
> all businessmen (and women) in the US.
The Plaintiff's bar would say that because of all the suits on obviously
unsafe products entering the marketplace, the products that we have now are
better and safer. The seminal case in torts class that every first year law
school student takes is the product liability suit against Ford for the Pinto
tank. Remember that? Read the case sometime. Ford actually determined that it
would be cheaper to not fit the safety measures to the tank, such that the cost
of law suits and settling with families of people horribly burned to death was
cheaper than having to modify production on the cars or have a recall to retro
fit the tanks.
I fully agree that there are some wacky cases brought by imbeciles who are
looking for a buck. I have turned some away. But for every one or two of
there is actually someone who was genuinely injured through no fault of their
simply because some company wanted to rush a product to market, or could hide
safety record in this country. People say that the only ones who get rich are
the lawyers. In my experience, its the insurance companies who are getting
from auto insurance to malpractice to product liability insurance.
Doesn't have a Pinto or any Ford
No Firestone Wilderness ATX tires
Heavily insured.
Steve McGee, Atty. at Large
Home Page: http://home.pacbell.net/samesq
Photo Album: http://members2.clubphoto.com/steve191750/
Life is unpredictable. Eat dessert first.