See Toby, you can have a blast there. Heck, I'm enjoying it vicariously!
Those of us that are LBC fans don't like to take the "main road" anywhere.
We like the extraordinary. Paul- you must have gone to the "Golden Banana"
then too, right? If memory serves, that was in Revere, right?
-----Original Message-----
From Paul A. Asgeirsson [mailto:PAsgeirsson at]
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 8:37 AM
To: Martin Johnson
Cc: Toby Atwater; Spridgets
Subject: RE: LBCs in Boston?
Durgin Park is "In the shadow of Fanuel Hall." Right beside the buildin
that houses Fanuel Matket. I used to eat there a lot when I was in High
school. Used to get an end cut of roast beef. I just overlapped the edges
of the plate. I could eat it all then, but now it would last a week!
Also try the Union Oyster House nearby. These are both near Government
Center. (Used to be Scolly Square. Ahhhh! The wonderful "Old Howard
Atheneum" burlesque theater. Heady stuff for a teen ager!)
Paul a
FROM: Martin Johnson, INTERNET:MJohnson at
TO: Toby Atwater,
"'kate & gary'",
CC: "Spridgets@Autox. Team. Net (E-mail)",
DATE: 9/29/00 11:14 AM
Re: RE: LBCs in Boston?
Eat where your great-grandfather (or someone-else's great grandfather) ate
at "Durgin Park". Be sure to have Indian pudding after your prime rib. I
forget where in Boston it is though. It's an experience. I remember a lot
of yelling and fun.
-----Original Message-----
From kate & gary [mailto:kgb at]
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 7:57 PM
To: Toby Atwater
Cc: Spridgets@Autox. Team. Net (E-mail)
Subject: Re: LBCs in Boston?
Speaking from experience, I can highly recommend the prime rib at the Ritz
Carlton. Since I spent a total of one day in Boston, I do not consider
myself qualified to act as a tour guide. Their snow plow drivers are first
rate, though.
Toby Atwater wrote:
> Going to boston next month for company training. Any LBCs out there or
> things I can't miss?
> Renting a lbc would be cool as well.
> Thanks
> Toby
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From Martin Johnson <MJohnson at>
To: "'kate & gary'" <>, Toby Atwater <>
Cc: "Spridgets@Autox. Team. Net (E-mail)" <>
Subject: RE: LBCs in Boston?
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 07:53:58 -0700