Tell me that very thought didn't cross your mind whilst hurling invective
just a few days ago.
BTW, _that_ is non-magnetic also <G>
At 11:40 AM 9/26/2000, Larry Macy wrote:
>Yea welll MR "Anonymous" we know where to find YOU!!!
>At this exact moment in time 9/26/00 1:22 PM, made
>the profound statement:
> >At 11:18 AM 9/26/2000, Larry Macy wrote:
> >>
> >>Larry
> >
> >I think that was the inspiration for the 1500 Spitfire motor..... and BL
> >did a _very_ good copy.
> >
> >Anonymous
> >
>Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
>System Administrator/Manager
>Neuropsychiatry Section
>Department of Psychiatry
>University of Pennsylvania
>3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
>Philadelphia, PA 19104
> Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a
>question and you're a fool for the rest of your life.