I believe the title of the movie was "A Christmas Story" - great movie!
And the "major award" was a lamp with the base made in the shape of a life
size women's leg <g>.
Do I get a "major award" for knowing the answer? LOL
----- Original Message -----
From "William M. Gilroy" <wmgilroy at avaya.com>
To: "Peter C." <nosimport@mailbag.com>
Cc: <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: List Weekend Awards
> Where do I get my "major award"? Does anyone even know what the
> original "major award" was and from what movie?
> Bill
> PS. Usually when I heard Mr. Gilroy it is followed by "Step out
> of the car and place your hands on the roof!"
> Just keeping in form.
> "Peter C." wrote:
> >
> > After wading through the list's "discussions" over the weekend, I vote
> > Gilroy the winner in "Least Exaggerated Story " (though there was way
> > much p), Mr. Boicey in "Thinnest Skin", and Mr. Houston in "Vaguest
> > Abbreviation" (SH(?)MBO).
> > Most entertaining, thank you.
> > Peter C