"Jeffrey H. Boatright" wrote:
> Just found out that I'm going to the USGP! And I'll be a pit marshal
> for the Petit Le Mans! I'd better start sign language practice now -
> I probably won't be able to hear meach after the next two weekends.
> LBC content: Are there any LBC groups that plan to attend the Grand
> Prix at Indy?
> --
> __________________________________________________
> Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD
> Assistant Professor, Emory Eye Center, Atlanta, GA
> Senior Editor, Molecular Vision
> <http://www.molvis.org/molvis>
> <mailto: jboatri@emory.edu>
Sorry, couldn't resist. :)
'87 RX-7 TII: 1/4 mile in 7.500 sec @ 120 mph
'90 GS-500E: 1/4 mile in 8.182 sec @ 110 mph
MCMLXIX Sprite: Rusted, rested, and ready. MotorToad rides again.
University of West Florida
Electrical Engineering.