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Re: Petrol problems in Europe

To: <Ajhsys@aol.com>, <spridgets@autox.team.net>, <mgs@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Petrol problems in Europe
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 00:14:37 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
References: <90.997ce65.26f14723@aol.com>
About 2 weeks ago the French farmers, truck drivers and fishermen
blockaded ports and roads in France as a protest against high fuel
prices. After 36 hours (or less?) the French Govt. caved in and
reduced the fuel price.

So, last weekend British farmers and truck drivers decided to try the
same, but directed against fuel taxes (not the fuel companies as such)
Tax runs at about 80% of the pump price for fuel in the UK. UK has the
lowest production cost for fuel in Europe, and the highest pump price
at about 85pence per litre (ie �4 per gallon)
So there have been demonstrations at all the fuel refineries in the UK
for the last week.  The fuel tanker drivers have decided not to pass
the demonstrations, - they are not actually blockades -  (except for
some emergency services deliveries) despite the fact that they are not
being physically prevented from doing so - just that they support the
Difference with France (apart from the fact that our fuel prices are a
lot higher) is that the British Govt. refuse to back down; and so do
the protesters.

What has really spiced the whole thing up is that the public have
rushed to fill their tanks with the result that currently about 80% of
all filling stations are now dry, and people are either running out of
fuel, or are conserving what they have, so things throughout the
country are grinding to a halt.  Oh and there are other protests -
blockading motorway junctions and city centres. Still Govt. refuse to
budge, or even negotiate. A TV poll tonight  produced a level of over
90% support for the protest which is a pretty amazing level of support
considering the inconvenience being caused to many people, so the next
few days will be interesting.

Meanwhile I recon I have about 2 weeks (350 miles) normal spridget
driving in the tanks of my Midget and my Sprite. Then I get the cat
sledge out!


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