I forgot, are you using an air/fuel ratio gauge? If not, you might consider
it. It is great for finding excessive lean or rich spots in the rpm curve!
on 9/13/00 8:12, Glen Byrns at wrote:
> Well.... maybe the 1.5 is going to help the low end torque a bit. Turns
> out I need a different needle to get the best tuning of the 1.5" SU.
> Luckily the PO provided a jar full of various needles he had turned when he
> was setting up the 1.25"SU on the turbo. Using the calipers, I sorted the
> needles into a rack and started through them, with a test drive after each
> switch. It took a needle that was thick at the base(lean at idle), and VERY
> small at the tip(rich at high throttle). The lag on throttling up has
> disappeared, mid range is good and high throttle is smooth and steady. (not
> to mention scary fast). I doubt that this will be the final needle, but it
> sure is working better than the original.
> What I had been describing as 'turbo lag' was an overly lean condition in
> low-mid range caused by the fuel setting determined by the needle. The lag
> is gone now.
> Steve (Swift Justice) got very good shots of the set-up at the Palo Alto
> show and posted them as per his post today. I know I shouldn't run without
> an aircleaner, but it is on the way from APT along with a shorty ram pipe,
> so don't e-mail me about how bad this is to do.
> Regards,
> Glen Byrns
> '59 bugeye
Ulix __/__,__ ___/__|\__
..............................................(_o____o_)....<_O_____O_/... '67 Sprite '74 X1/9