-----Original Message-----
Got any cats? Did you use silicone brake fluid in your Porsche? How many
guns do you own? Can you tow a Porsche? How? Were your Porsches chrome or
rubber bumpered?
Well where do I start?
No cats
No silicone brake fluid
No guns, well... a paint gun?
Yes you can tow a porsche, HOW? well the first time I did it with a tow
rope. Then I welded a towbar for later such emergencies.
Crome or Rubber? All but one crome bumpered it was fiberglass bumpered. I
still have the later.
As far as beig prepared to be a home mechanic, I am very used to this as
well as creative roadside repairs! I am also used to stock under-powered
engines in sporty two seaters.
Now what is the deal with the cats????