----- Original Message -----
From <Daniel1312 at aol.com>
To: <maine2me@yahoo.com>; <BGAHC@aol.com>; <british-cars@autox.team.net>;
<healeys@autox.team.net>; <mgs@autox.team.net>; <JUDY_WATHEN@udlp.com>;
Sent: 05 September 2000 20:26
Subject: Re: Midget and BT7 for sale in Louisville, KY
> I suggest none of you guys ever move to England and try buying a box
> let alone a Bugeye - you would never afford to get into the market.
> of course the UK joins the Euro whereupon all our money will be worthless
> compared to the dollar and everyone in the USA will live happily LBC ever
> after.
> Daniel1312
The US/UK should have continued the carpet bombing of europe long after
1945. Create a new NO-FLY zone over europe whilst blockading it into
submission. Create a new alliance using UK Police/US prisons/UK TV/US
newspapers/UK journalists/US sized engines/UK parts manufacturers/US gas
stations/UK corners/US 12-lane highways/UK cooking/US sized portions/ etc
I have a feeling this thr*** could run and run.........