And from South of the border, I can't stand back any
longer - if you ever think the argument is onesided or
black and white, spend an hour in the therapy group my
wife (an Occupational Therapist) used to run with
three children, all under age 10, who were shot by
parents/siblings stopping "intruders" who turned out
to be little girls wanting a drink of milk in the
night. At the very least, your gun storage and usage
processes will be modified when you see a 7 yr old
learning how to hold a Barbie doll under her chin
because her head is all she can move.
--- David Brackman <> wrote:
> Speaking from North of the border, let me add my 2
> cents worth (aprox
> 1.20 US)
> Too many guns, too many crooks, too much crime, too
> many rights, too
> many people having a bad day and a .357 in the
> bedside drawer, and one
> too many Charleston Hestons. I love the USA, but
> please ditch the guns,
> you will be glad you did!
> David
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