Somehow I managed to have a new seal laying around the garage. At one time
I ordered a bunch of seals, and it turned out that seal was one of them.
It's a pain in the buttocks to get the top closed now, but it's sealed.
Actually, the plan was to go get some kind of stick-on weatherstripping if
all else failed. Now to find some windshield wipers blades...
-----Original Message-----
From Frank Clarici [mailto:spritenut at]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 11:06 PM
To: Adrian Barnes
Cc: Spridgets (E-mail)
Subject: Re: Top seals?
You can use a piece of stick on weatherstripping for the time being.
In fact, you can use it for years! :)
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
If you are not living on the edge,
You're taking up too much space!