----- Original Message -----
From Michael Lupynec <mlupynec at globalserve.net>
To: Wiedemeyer <boxweed@thebest.net>
Cc: Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: 22 June 2000 16:30
Subject: Re: Fw: Hardtop Differences and Value and '67 Spridgets
> I was in an accident where my passenger got it real good in the
> side of the head with a protruding radio knob.
> Mike L.
> > Has anyone ever known someone who was actually injured in an
> accident by a
> > toggle switch?!
One of the captains I work with recently totalled a Boeing 757 which broke
into 3 pieces after landing (No blame placed on him) and despite being held
onto his seat with a sturdy 5-point harness his head still contacted the
hard plastic cover over the screen support. Blood everywhere. It seems the
thin plastic cover was placed to protect him from the aluminium frame
underneath but the broken pieces of plastic sliced at his head.
Funnier one was my brother in his (GM) Vauxhall Astra. He was struck whilst
stationary by a truck delivering coal. He hadn't put on his belt and was
knocked into the screen, breaking it with his head. The only thing that
kept him inside the car was that he caught his NUTS on the bottom of the
steering wheel. They swelled up like a couple of watermellons!!!!