Yea right 150 mil invested in a 4 bil dollar co. That really helped. What
helped was getting MS to redo Office to a usable version. And the only
way that got done was to promise to put IE as the default browser. No
wonder the DOJ wants MS Split. Think of the stock spilt that will go
along with that - in 5 years or so IF it ever happens.
>>>>On 6/20/00 7:38 PM so and so (Adrian Barnes) said. (And I quote:)
>Just don't forget how Microsoft bailed Apple out by buying all that stock.
>And how Microsoft bailed ebay out because Sun couldn't service them
>( (although regular old
> is Solaris, that doesn't help my argument any so forget I mentioned
>Sorry, I couldn't resist. All in good fun.
>Microsoft Certified Solution Developer
>working at a
>Microsoft Certified Solution Provider,
>spending days rewriting Unix & AS/400 and MVS programs
>so businesses can actually get work done. ;-)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bryan Vandiver [mailto:Bryan.Vandiver@Eng.Sun.COM]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 7:12 PM
>To: Bryan.Vandiver@Eng.Sun.COM;;
>Subject: Re: Fw: more info on virus (NO LBC)
>I'm at Sun's Javasoft campus in Cupertino, and my office window on the third
>floor looks directly out at Apple headquarters across the street. My wife
>worked for Apple for 5-years, and needless to say we have a PowerMac, and an
>iMac at home :-)
> - Bryan
>>Subject: Re: Fw: more info on virus (NO LBC)
>>To: "Bryan Vandiver" <>, "Spridgets"
><>, <>
>>Mime-Version: 1.0
>>LMAO all the way to Mac OS X.
>>Then we get to deal with all the security attacks that most UNIX users
>>deal with everyday ;-(
>>But still no virii
>>>>>On 6/20/00 6:23 PM so and so (Bryan Vandiver) said. (And I quote:)
>>>Well if everyone quit running that crappy SW from that company in WA, this
>>>wouldn't be a problem :-)
>>>OK - so I'm biased ;-)
>>> - Bryan (UNIX forever!)
>>>>To: "Spridgets" <>
>>>>Subject: Fw: more info on virus (NO LBC)
>>>>X-Priority: 3
>>>>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>>>>X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300
>>>>Hey All,
>>>>There's another new virus attack happening:
>>>>> New Virus Strikes E-Mail Systems
>>>>> By D. IAN HOPPER
>>>>> .c The Associated Press
>>>>> WASHINGTON (June 20) - A new computer virus, which looks like a
>>>>> file, has caused shutdowns of the e-mail systems at four Fortune 100
>>>>> companies, anti-virus experts said Monday.
>>>>> The virus does no harm to computer files, but similar to May's ''Love
>>>>> virus, simply multiplies by sending itself out to everyone listed in
>>>>> infected computer's address book.
>>>>> While users are well-warned about VisualBasic attachments, which appear
>>>>> ''.vbs'' extensions, the so-called ''Stages'' virus looks like a text
>>>>> complete with ''.txt'' extension. But the real extension is ''.shs,''
>>>>> stands for Windows Shell Scrap Object. A Scrap file can contain
>>>>> including executable and malicious code.
>>>>> The ''.shs'' extension does not appear even if a user sets Windows to
>>>>> all file extensions. Microsoft designed this extension to be invisible,
>>>>> it cannot be changed without entering the operating system's most
>>>>> configuration systems.
>>>>> The virus hit companies in the United States by Friday and began
>>>>> Australia and Asia over the weekend, said David Perry of Trend Micro
>>>>> maker of anti-virus software.
>>>>> Since then, makers of the popular McAfee anti-virus program have
>>>>> ''Stages'' as a larger threat, and said more than 100 of their
>customers -
>>>>> many major companies and almost all based in the United States -
>>>>> infections. One company had more than 5,000 individual users infected.
>>>>> ''Due to the infection rate, we're moving it to 'high risk,''' said Sal
>>>>> Viveros, a spokesman for McAfee.
>>>>> Viveros said an analysis of the virus showed that it was signed by
>>>>> named ''Zulu,'' the same author that wrote the ''Bubbleboy'' virus that
>>>>> appeared last year.
>>>>> ''Stages'' uses Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express mail programs to
>>>>> but it can also infect through chat rooms or America Online's ICQ
>>>>> messaging software.
>>>>> The e-mail message contains ''funny,'' ''life stages'' or ''jokes'' in
>>>>> subject line. The text of the message reads ''the male and female
>>>>> life,'' with an attachment, ''life-stages.txt'' or
>>>>> The attachment contains a joke about advancing age.
>>>>> Surprisingly, an anti-virus vendor first warned users about the threat
>>>>> stealthy ''.shs'' files containing viruses in August 1998. But this is
>>>>> first reported ''.shs'' virus, according to virus experts.
>>>>> Anti-virus companies have issued software updates to catch the new
>>>>> are encouraging businesses to filter incoming mail and delete
>>>>> with the ''.shs'' suffix.
>>Larry Macy
>>78 Midget
>>Keep your top down and your chin up.
>>Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
>>System Manager/Administrator
>>Neuropsychiatry Section
>>Department of Psychiatry
>>University of Pennsylvania
>>3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
>>Philadelphia, PA 19104
>> Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a
>>question and you're a fool for the rest of your life.
Larry Macy
78 Midget
Keep your top down and your chin up.
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a
question and you're a fool for the rest of your life.