Alright youse guys... better all head over to the Thicko list...
where sexual harrassment is not a crime, but an artform...
where if we're not giving you shit, we don't like you...
(and I'm in a media/news/Hollywood related business... where, just like the
White House, it's really all about makin' money, and getting laid.)
Team Thicko
----- Original Message -----
From Larry Macy <macy at>
To: <>; <>; Spridgets
<>; MG List <>
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 5:54 PM
Subject: NO LBC - Political rant - was: Re: Hillary "Panther" Clinton - NO
LBC - Interesting Reading
> Sorry folks - my 0.02� Delete now if not interested. Especially those
> outside the US.
> I don't usually get into politics but I just gotta say this. I lived in
> Arkansas while the mentioned was Gov. He was a good Gov, as far as I was
> concerned, mostly focused on bringing a low rated education system up to
> better standards. Everybody knew what the heck was going on "behind
> closed doors" as they say. But that did not matter one whit about the job
> he did. Now when it happens in Washington, where he was absolutely not
> the first to indulge, just the most media spread, the rest of the country
> goes nuts. We that lived in AR never understood the attention. In the
> rest of the world, nobody understood what all the ruckus was about, they
> all do the same thing on a regular basis. In fact in some froggy
> countries - it is expected. Not necessarily condoned, just expected.
> Now let me make it clear. I do not condone what happened, I condemn the
> over saturation of it by the media, and our so called elected
> representatives who have nothing better to do than play "get the
> Democrat" if they are an elephant, and "get the Republican", if they are
> a donkey. Funny how those labels fit, elephants never forget and donkeys
> are just asses.
> What the hell ever happened to doing the country's business in a cordial
> manner. As I recall the 2 branches of the legislature were designed so
> that, as I believe, (to paraphrase Jefferson) one would be for stately
> debate and the other for rowdy argument. What the hell happened to
> stately debate???
> I have to blame Tricky Dicky for this sorry state of affairs in the US
> government. Right or wrong, if he had said he had no idea what the
> CREEP's were doing and fired them all, the media would have had nothing
> to report (and subsequentialy not so much need to over investigate every
> personal thing) and the group known as the opposite of progress would
> have had no belief that they were the only people that could run a
> consciensable government (HAH). Ever check their records?
> That's not to say that there isn't a need for a good media invesitagating
> worthwhile stories, but when did somebodies sex life become more
> important than, say, thousands of kids being killed every year by (fill
> in the blank here). Or overspending by certain branches of the
> government. Or????????? Just 'cuz we don't want to hear it, don't mean it
> shouldn't be reported. Oh Sorry the ratings might fall - I forgot.
> Ya wanna know why we get such jerks as Gore and Bush as candidates??
> Instead of the Jefferson's and Washington's and Roosevelt's and
> Lincoln's. Who the hell in their right mind would wanna go through that
> crap???
> A wise man once said "there are two things you do not discuss in a public
> forum, politics and religion" I just broke one rule - anyone wanna talk
> about religion?
> BTW Mike - On the web you can say anything, But do YOU believe everything
> you read?? Another wise man once said "believe 1/2 of what you see and
> none of what you read."
> BTW not necessarily the right place to post the story in the first place,
> but the fact that it was stated to be NO LBC, makes it OK in my book.
> This is, after all, as has been mentioned before, a community and we all
> have the right to our opinions.
> Political rant mode off - Flame suit on.
> Larry
> >>>>On 6/7/00 10:23 PM so and so ( said. (And I quote:)
> >Mike,
> >
> >I truly appreciate your sharing this. You noted it NO LBC so NO ONE
> >complain about the subject or content.
> >
> >I would like to know if this is indeed true, or one of the urban myths,
or a
> >conspiracy theory, or something a California talk show host cooked up.
> >
> >Please let me know if you get documentation. I voted for her RB (not
> >bumper) husband TWICE as a loyal Democrat...and I cannot believe how this
> >has
> >come back to shame me.
> >
> >R Houston
> Larry Macy
> 78 Midget
> Keep your top down and your chin up.
> Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
> System Manager/Administrator
> Neuropsychiatry Section
> Department of Psychiatry
> University of Pennsylvania
> 3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
> Philadelphia, PA 19104
> Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a
> question and you're a fool for the rest of your life.