I have what David calls the "real thing", and let me tell you... they are the
only way to go. No matter how hot or cold it is, Lambkins feels great! You
don't sweat, you don't stick, you don't burn.... Get the picture!?! I only
one, so I swap it from car to car or whichever seat I'll be setting in.
DLancer7676@cs.com wrote:
> In a message dated 6/6/2000 2:26:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> pheysey@enol.com writes:
> << I'm looking to buy a pair of cheap synthetic sheepskins for my 78
> midget >>
> Steve:
> If you are planning on using the "skins" for only a short time, the
> synthetics will probably be ok. But if you want something that will feel
> good, look good, and be of service for a long time, consider paying a little
> more for the real thing. I have not had the seat covers, but I have had
> slippers lined with both the synthetic and with the natural sheepskin. The
> sheepskin goes on and on and on, kind of like the Energizer bunny (Is that
> why bunnies are so numerous?) while the synthetic liners wore out after about
> a year of wear, got kind of clotted up, pulled out, flattened, and generally
> was uncomfortable.
> Just my loose change on the subject. Any other listers with any experience
> with these?
> --David C.