Brad, This happened Valentines day, She was not parked but riding in a SUV
driven by her husband on I-80 west of Reno. It was a case of road rage in
which the husband and a guy in a pick-up from Idaho were speeding and
cutting each other off.
The gunman pulled up on the right side of their SUV and fired one round
hitting the woman in the jaw at 90 mph (either a very good shot or lucky,
should have been playing Mega-bucks). Despite a very good discription of
the gunman and his truck he has never been found.
The Reno PD has just filmed a reenactment of the crime, so look for it
at a TV station near you soon.
Also of note there is a $2000 reward on this guy. The one that threw
some lady's dog into traffic in LA has a $100,000 reward on his head. Just
goes to show you, you can shoot my wife, but don't mess with my dog.
>I was reading one of my new comics (yeah, comics) and in the forward the
>artist mentions how some female friend of his who lives in REno was shot in
>the face while sitting at a stoplight>