Sounds like you should shorten the effective length of the
slave cylinder pushrod. I had to. Else, the pedal overdrove
the clutch plate and the clutch fingers rubbed on the flywheel
(I think that's what happened!) causing the clutch to re-engage.
Try this --- try clutching about 1 inch short of the bottom of the
pedal throw. If that works, then shorten the push rod a little.
Larry & Sandi Miller wrote:
> With the engine at idle, 800 RPM, if I just depress the clutch the engine
> will die. I have to rev the engine a little while the clutch is depressed.
> I'm running the Datsun 5-speed with Spridget pressure plate and the
> slave/clutch plate furnished by Rivergate.
> The nut on the adjusting rod is currently screwed onto the rod as far as it
> will go.
> What should I be looking at?
> Larry Miller