Hi Frank,
The distance is 52 feet 9 inches, which is 1/100 of a mile. Put some
tape on the speedo cable end so it looks like a flag and count even the
partial revolutions. They will multiply this count by 100 to get the
cable count per mile, You will likely get about 11 or so revolutions.
On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 20:25:18 -0500 Frank Clarici <spritenut@Exit109.com>
>Do any of you listers know the correct number of feet to roll a car
>the speedo calibration results to send Nisonger?
>This past summer while attending a wedding for a friends daughter, I
>seated next to the Nisonger rep (small world) He did explain how to
>the car 54 feet, ???inches and count the tire revolutions. This I can
>but I forgot the numer of inches.
>I have to send out the speedo on the A40 since it reads 70+ mph when
>it's only going about 30. The speedo has been "funky" the last few
>months according to my daughter but I recently replaced the speedo
>(thanks Peter) and tested it only to see it is stuck at 35 MPH when
>stopped and goes up from ther as soon as you start rolling. But it
>out at 80 on the hiway ;)
>With Toyota 5 speed, a Sprite 3.9 rear and bigger tires, I just want
>have a speedo rebuilt to what I have.
> Frank
> Drive it or give it to somebody that will
> http://www.exit109.com/~spritenut/