too much advance will cause an engune to run hotter than normal. an engine
tuned to the lean side of reality will also run hotter than normal. just
had a radiator shop flow test my rad. after flushing it out. cost me 25.00.
no leaks and i droped 20 degrees hot! just flushing out a old radiator
might help some. but having a professional shop clean and test(not just for
leaks) their work is a best bet!
1more item! if you can turn your fan blade and the crankshaft and the
alternator do not move the exact relative amount you you move the fan blade
you are experiencing the fan belt slipping! yup slipping against the drag
caused by the coolant against the impellers in thw water pump. tighten the
belt untill it no longer slips or replace it with a new one(if needed).
do not forget a 50/50 mix of coolant and water for optimum heat transfer
too. might even consider water wetter. saw a significant drop in temp in
my sports racer with the adition of this stuff
no financial bla-bla-bla, whatever-whatever!
you can hide behind me but i will know you are there!