Hi Toby. As far as desmoging a Sprite, I really don't know. But I have a 79
Spitfire that had all the smog stuff on it from the factory before I bought
it. Someone along the line took all the smog stuff off and to this day it
runs just fine. Carbon canisters are still there but they aren't really
hooked to anything. If anything the engine has more power now cause the smog
system isn't dragging the engine down. Now I assume since the Spitfire and
Sprite are very similar mechanically there shouldn't be any problem unsmoging
a 1275. I'll leave that for the list to decide though. Just giving you my
opinion and theory.
1962 AH Sprite MKll
1979 Spitfire 1500
Web site link: <A HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/darkside/mycar.html";>Wel
come to my british car site</A>
In a message dated 10/23/1999 9:37:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
toby.1969ah.1971lc@worldnet.att.net writes:
<< I know the 67 Spridgets are supposed to be the fastest... but what year
would be ideal? The basic design is surly the same on most 1275s but I heard
that certain year blocks are better than others... what does the list say? I
know the later 1275s (70 onwards?) had smog pumps on em. Can all of the smog
stuff on a smoged 1275 become unsmoged... (removal smog pump, carb
alteration, etc)? Thanks
69 Sprite
71 Fj40