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Toppin' up the dashpots

To: "Spridgets list" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Toppin' up the dashpots
From: "Charles D. Sorkin" <cdsorkin@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 22:29:14 -0400
Reply-to: "Charles D. Sorkin" <cdsorkin@ix.netcom.com>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
How often should one normally need to top up the dashpot oil in the HS2
carbs?  I'm finding that I need to do so about every two weeks.  Why (and to
where) would I be losing the oil?  It doesn't seem to be going anywhere, and
I didn't think it was very easy for the oil to migrate into the fuel stream.

Also, I remain frustrated in my quest to win a "Diamond in the Rough" award,
this time from the Moss Motors Fallfest get-together in Dover, NJ.  However,
there were a bit more than 200 cars there, including numerous MGAs, MGBs,
and TR6s.  Oddly enough, there were only two T-series (that I saw), and very
few Midgets.  There were four Bugeyes, and the best Sprite of the show went
to a 1962 model belonging to a 15-year old girl.


'74 Midget
Bloomfield, NJ

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