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Re: Signing off for awhile

To: "Michael Graziano" <mgrazian@ltcm.com>, "'Larry Macy'" <macy@bblmail.psycha.upenn.edu>, "Adrian Barnes" <adrian@workgroup.net>, "Spridgets (E-mail)" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Signing off for awhile
From: "David Riker" <davidr@sunset.net>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 19:32:58 -0700
References: <FD95D8CA5457D311880600A0C9E0AF020E4525@exch01.ltcm.com>
Reply-to: "David Riker" <davidr@sunset.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
Can you say "Elope"?

Was the best wedding I'd ever been in (pun intentional, I'm on #3)
1 PM, depart for Reno
6 PM , secure License
7 PM, secure hotel room
8 PM, secure ring
9 PM, say I do.
10PM, call relatives and blow their mind
11PM, start honeymoon
3 AM, depart for home
6 AM go to work like nothing happened

David Riker, happily married for 7 years and counting (this time)

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Graziano <mgrazian@ltcm.com>
To: 'Larry Macy' <macy@bblmail.psycha.upenn.edu>; Michael Graziano
<mgrazian@ltcm.com>; Adrian Barnes <adrian@workgroup.net>; Spridgets
(E-mail) <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 10:36 AM
Subject: RE: Signing off for awhile

> Larry Macy once said:
> >Been there???
> >
> >Larry
> Kinda.  My SO is leaving for London in 2 weeks to finish her MBA.  She'll
> gone for 6 months.  That means every weekend for the last three months has
> been taken up doing things _together_, as well as 3 nights a week.  Yes,
> I'm feeling a little stifled.  And I _would_ like to get my Midget
> which is impossible if I don't work on it.  And then when I complain I
> things to do I get responses like:  "But I just want to spend time with
> before I go.  That's fair, isn't it?"  What can I say, "No?"  Not
> folks.  So all I can do it bitch to you people, like this.
> And I have two friends in the process of being engaged and I see exactly
> what they are going through with the SOs.  Similar stuff.  Both fellas are
> going to be poor as dirt until they pay off the weddings the wives-to-be
> planning.  My friend Neil has been quoted as saying, "If I see one God
> more wedding invitation style,  I'm going to shoot her,  and commit myself
> to a mental hospital.  I wish she'd just pick a f%^%$ng card and send it."
> Scary stuff....
> In case you haven't noticed,  I'm NOT ready to be married or living with
> someone.  I think it's an only child thing.  I need my space.  I hope my
> better part isn't subscribed.....
> Michael
> BTW:  Adrian,  didn't you announce you popped the question and she
> last month?
>         __/__,_
>   _____(_o___o_)_______________________
>  /                                     \
> |           Michael Graziano            |
> |   Long Term Capital Management L.P.   |
> |         Phone: 203-552-5706           |
> |         Fax:   203-552-5869           |
> |       Email: mgrazian@ltcm.com        |
>  \_____________________________________/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Macy [mailto:macy@bblmail.psycha.upenn.edu]
> Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 1:19 PM
> To: Michael Graziano; Adrian Barnes ; Spridgets (E-mail)
> Subject: RE: Signing off for awhile
> At this exact moment in time 9/10/99 13:00, mgrazian@ltcm.com made the
> profound statement:
> >It's not the asking that's probably taking the time.  It's probably more
> >that she realizes that she now has her claws firmly imbedded in the poor
> guy
> >and can now have less tolerance for things like the MGs, or at least the
> >friends.  Isn't that how it goes?
> >
> >It probably went something like this:  "You spend too much time on that
> damn
> >computer with those dorky people who only talk about cats, cars, and that
> >Frank Zappa guy.  I want you to spend more time with me me me.  I can't
> plan
> >this wedding alone, you know.  And can you PLEASE get at least one of
> >death traps running so we can sell it and get a bigger wedding hall and
> >fancier photographer?  I always wanted a nice picture album and 10 hours
> >wedding video from a 3 hour wedding!!  My friends would just love to
> >all their time watching them with _US_"
> >
> >LOL
> >
> >Michael -> Tongue planted firmly in cheek.  Flame away....
> >
> >
> >
> >        __/__,_
> >  _____(_o___o_)_______________________
> > /                                     \
> >|           Michael Graziano            |
> >|   Long Term Capital Management L.P.   |
> >|         Phone: 203-552-5706           |
> >|         Fax:   203-552-5869           |
> >|       Email: mgrazian@ltcm.com        |
> > \_____________________________________/
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Peter C. [mailto:nosimport@mailbag.com]
> >Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 12:08 PM
> >To: Adrian Barnes; Spridgets (E-mail)
> >Subject: Re: Signing off for awhile
> >
> >
> >Adrian,
> > I'm OK with all the reasons 'cept "getting engaged". How long can
> >that
> >take? Heck, just ask her!
> > Good luck.     Peter C
> >--
> >At 10:42 AM 9/10/1999 , Adrian Barnes wrote:
> >>Due to lots of stuff, such as loads of work, upcoming weekly travel out
> >>town, getting engaged, and having no time, I'm going to drop off the
> >>for awhile.  I can still be reached via email or any of the other
> >>information below.  See y'all later!
> >>
> >>adrian
> >>
> >>-----------------------------------------
> >>J. Adrian Barnes, MCP
> >
> >
> Larry Macy
> 78 Midget
> Keep your top down and your chin up
> Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
> macy@bblmail.psycha.upenn.edu
> System Administrator/Manager
> Neuropsychiatry Section
> Department of Psychiatry
> University of Pennsylvania
> 3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
> Philadelphia, PA 19104

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