There are others, but the ones I have are:
ISBN: 0-8376-0127-4 "The Complete Official 1275 cc Sprite/Midget 1967-1974;
Comprising the offical 'driver's handbook, workshop manual, emission control
Second one has no ISBN but does have Library of Congress Catalog Card Number
67-28432; titled "The Complete Offical Sprite/Midget, Comprising the offical
'driver's handbook, workshop manual, special tuning manual'"
Good luck
WFO Herb
Keep the sticky side down!
...come one Sprite votes!!!
"Charles D. Sorkin" wrote:
> Dear List:
> What is this Bentley manual that everyone refers to? Is there one for
> Sprite/Midget, or is it more of an MGB item?
> Perhaps someone could post the particulars, (Author, ISBN, etc.,) so that it
> might be ordered from barnesandnoble or amazon.
> Regards,
> Charles
> '74 Midget
> Bloomfield, NJ