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2 questions, cooling and fuel... long,

To: "Sprite Mailing List" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: 2 questions, cooling and fuel... long,
From: "Toby Atwater" <tob@taltec.net>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:07:59 -0700
Reply-to: "Toby Atwater" <tob@taltec.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
Well after a good week of driving... my sprite is showing its age...
hopefully simple solutions are all is needed...

yes it almost happend! My date and I were on our way out to Dinner, and the
Sprite had a steep climb up a parking ramp with a stop sign at the top...
this was VERY steep... It barely makes it up and then I have to stop and
wait for traffic, as I take off, it starts spuddering and dies. I apologize
to my date, and then start it up again... and take off.... 20 yards later..
.same thing... then it wouldnt start... only sputter and die.. after what
seemed like an eternity (30 sec) I started it for the 4th or 5th time... and
this time it was all good and I sped off, and we had a very nice evening.
Now this supperting felt the same as when I had to clean the fuel system
last week.... the old in line filter was NASTY! brown\red fuel dripping out
of it when I turned it over. I thought my fuel system problems were solved
when I replaced it and did my best to clean the tank (pouring clean gas
through)... apperently not. Could the fuel pump not be strong enough to pump
over that steep climb and left my carbs dry? Any suggestions are
appreciated... Im thinking of just ripping everything out and speding a few
days with a wire brush & compressed air and just bite the bullet and start
scrubbing, and boil out the fuel tank, replace pump, etc...

The past few days have been hot, 80+ degrees, my sprite is heating up way to
much... the temp guage hit 130 degrees C (or about 266 F) which seems
impossible. but it has only been really heating up today and yesterday. so
I'm suspecting the thermostat is dieing. also I wanted to know... whats the
operating temp of my sprite? around 90 C or around 200 degrees would be my
guess, but I dunno. It seems to not warm up very fast on cool nights.

Also... I have no experiance in this whole "expansion tank" thing. I just
fill the radiator directly in my other car... but the Sprite seems to have a
tank to accomodate the expansion of water when it heats up I guess... so I
shouldnt fill this up all the way? Thanks.... for all the lists help...

Toby One Knob�

Toby Atwater,   Santa Barbara, CA, tob@taltec.net
1969 Austin Healey Sprite, mk 4 "noname" (sunday driver, and special
1971 FJ-40 Toyota Land Cruiser "BEEF" (daily driver.. 3 on da tree)

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