Once again, I turn to the all-knowing wisdom of the List. . .
I was doing some tune-up of my 1275 yesterday. The carbs have always been a
little odd, but I think they are getting worse:
1) With the idle screws backed all the way out, it idles at about 1200 RPM.
I run them in a quarter-turn so they won't fall out, and that runs the idle
up to about 1500 RPM. It's a nice smooth idle, although it's so high.
2) There is no mixture adjustment on the front carb that won't result in an
immediate drop in RPM when I lift the slide with the button. The plugs look
pretty good, though. I've tried hitting the gaskets with WD40 and don't
notice any change. The float height appears to be within specs.
3) On the other hand, the back carb is pretty close to right when the
mixture nut is run ALL the way up.
4) Using the colortune system, I think I have the back carb real close, but
I don't really know where I am on the front carb since I can run the mixture
nut down 3 or 4 turns and not really see a color or slide-lift difference.
5) The front carb has a plastic float and the back one has a brass float.
Should I get matched floats?
I'm guessing that something isn't quite right with each of the carbs. I
rebuilt them last year after a 9-year sit in the garage without running, and
either I did something wrong or else there is something loose or gummed up
that I missed, perhaps. The car starts well and runs well, although it has a
real tendency to run-on after switch-off.
I would be most grateful for any helpful hints. Thanks!!!
Tom Zuchowski
Clemmons, NC